so, my real name is Svetlana.

I was born in Moscow in 1994, according to the horoscope Cancer.
about me
about me
I knew that I will be a designer at 5 y. o.
and from 13 y. o. I taught myself.

even the school principal asked me to help with the layout for the school park.

I have been working as a designer since 2016.
fan fact: some of my NFT arts have been exhibited in galleries in New York.
fan of StarTrek and Marvel

know all song from Disney cartoons, but an awful singer!
apps I work with
apps I work with
Premiere Pro
Blender 3D
Mandelbulb 3D
strong side
strong side
multidisciplinary designer, can perform several different tasks.
understand the structure of online stores and work with adaptive layout for multiple screens.
master the magic of Photoshop perfectly!
weak side
weak side
worked little with pre-press preparation of materials.
I didn’t work with other designers, I was always the only designer in companies.
august 2018 — currently
Design development of perfume online store, adaptive prototyping, photo retouching, YouTube thumbnail design, rendering of graphic elements, close work with broadcasters, copywriters, developers and video editors.
lead graphic designer
lead graphic designer
april 2018 — july 2018
4 months
Interface design development, UX / UI design, discussion of layouts with programmers, consultation, writing guidelines for prototypes (css styles, sometimes I made design changes to the code).

Drawing icons and various images for the system.
Work in Axure, Photoshop, Illustrator, Git.
ux/ui designer
ux/ui designer
february 2018 — march 2018

2 months
Graphic design, UX / UI design, interface prototypes, drawing images for press releases, preparing presentations for shows.
junior designer
junior designer
september 2016 — february 2018

1 year 6 months
Consulting employees of oil and gas companies - users of information systems.
Development of manuals and instructions for system users.

Testing of developed systems. Development of testing protocols.
Create tasks for developers and control their execution in Jira.

Industrial design, packaging design, corporate design. Reconstruction of the existing logo, making changes. Work with brand books of leading oil and gas companies.

Consultation of developers of information systems in the field of UX / UI design.
office manager
office manager
higher education
higher education
Faculty of Information Technology, Applied Informatics 
(Bachelor of Applied Informatics)
Moscow State Technical University, 2016
Moscow State Technical University, 2016
Graphic Design & Advertising, Graphic Design
Modern School of Design, Moscow 2017
Modern School of Design, Moscow 2017
for example, this projects was created during my studies at the Modern School of Design:
t-shirts and sweatshirts with my arts
my project of social posters,
which I implemented in phone cases.
social posters
social posters